
Two projects from DEM-ETSEIB awarded in the Galàxia Aprenentatge 2023 call for proposals

Apr 27, 2023

The Vice-Rectorate of UPC has promoted the Galàxia Aprenentatge 2023 call for innovation projects aimed at improving teaching. Our colleagues at DEM-ETSEIB have been awarded funding for their projects, Use of Augmented Reality to Improve Learning abilities in Mechanical Engineering and WikiMec: a Tool to Improve Autonomous Learning of Classical Mechanics.

The Use of Augmented Reality to Improve Learning abilities in Mechanical Engineering project focuses on the design, development, implementation, and evaluation of a teaching and learning methodology using mobile devices and augmented reality techniques in mechanical engineering courses. Specifically, the use of augmented reality will be implemented in the analysis of machines and mechanisms. The project promoters teachers are Lluïsa Jordi, Joan Puig, and Rosa Pàmies, with the collaboration of the rest of the teaching staff of Mechanism and Machine Theory group at ETSEIB.

The WikiMec: a Tool to Improve Autonomous Learning of Classical Mechanics project aims to develop an open educational resource for classical mechanics. The WikiMec project, led by Ana Barjau, Daniel Clos, Rosa Pàmies, and Ernest Bosch in collaboration with the teaching staff of Mechanics subject at ETSEIB, is a media wiki that combines dynamic simulations, animations, videos, and demonstrations with a rigorous presentation of concepts and theorems. This free, interactive, and multilingual (Catalan, Spanish, English) resource is accessible to people all over the world.