Doctoral proposals

The realization of doctoral theses is usually related to the different Research Groups with the participation of members of the department. You can contact the Research Groups directly if you are interested in doing a Ph.D. in subject matters related to their areas of study. Here are some more specific doctorate topics in the different areas of expertise of the department.

Acoustics and vibrations

Theme Contact Research Group
Doctorate program
Vibrations and motion control: residual vibrations reduction in machines and mechanisms. Joaquim M. Veciana CDEI-DM Mechanical Engineering, Fluids and Aeronautics
Prediction and control of railway-induced vibrations. Robert Arcos
Arnau Clot
LEAM Mechanical Engineering, Fluids and Aeronautics
Active noise control and active vibration control. Teresa Pàmies LEAM Mechanical Engineering, Fluids and Aeronautics
Management of environmental noise. Andreu Balastegui LEAM Mechanical Engineering, Fluids and Aeronautics
Acoustic emission. Eva Martínez LEAM Mechanical Engineering, Fluids and Aeronautics
Vibration energy harvesting: non-linear dynamics and magneto-mechanical coupling.
Robert Arcos LEAM Mechanical Engineering, Fluids and Aeronautics
Computational acoustics and elastodynamics using meshless methods. Robert Arcos
Arnau Clot
LEAM Mechanical Engineering, Fluids and Aeronautics


Theme Contact Research Group
Doctorate program
Analysis and simulation of human movement using multibody biomechanical models. Josep M. Font BIOMEC Mechanical Engineering, Fluids and Aeronautics
Design and simulation of assistive devices for neurorehabilitation. Josep M. Font BIOMEC Mechanical Engineering, Fluids and Aeronautics

Design of elastic actuation systems for prostheses and exoskeletons.

Josep M. Font BIOMEC Mechanical Engineering, Fluids and Aeronautics
Multibody dynamics simulation. Gil Serrancolí Mechanical Engineering, Fluids and Aeronautics
Dynamic optimization, based on optimal control and direct collocation methods. Gil Serrancolí Mechanical Engineering, Fluids and Aeronautics
Human movement modelling and simulation. Gil Serrancolí Mechanical Engineering, Fluids and Aeronautics
Integration of motion capture systems and data process. Gil Serrancolí Mechanical Engineering, Fluids and Aeronautics

Mechanical Design

Theme Contact Research Group
Doctorate program
Design of machines adapted to the context.

Carles Riba
Carles Domènech

CDEI-DM Sustainability
Energy efficiency in machine design.

Carles Riba
Carles Domènech

CDEI-DM Sustainability

Mechanical Manufacturing Processes

Theme Contact Research Group
Doctorate program
Study and analysis of surface finish obtained in honing processes. Irene Buj TECNOFAB Mechanical Engineering, Fluids and Aeronautics
Study and analysis of surface finish and mechanical strength of plastic or ceramic parts, obtained by means of 3D printing. Irene Buj TECNOFAB Mechanical Engineering, Fluids and Aeronautics