
UPC Manresa Bachelor's Degree in Automotive Engineering wins SEAT's Design Thinking 2022

Jun 11, 2022

The Design Thinking 2022 Awards (DT-22) were presented on May 30th. The proposal presented by Iván Esteban Macho, Ferran Gili i Cabanes, Andrés Aranda Martínez and Joan Gomà Rebasa, students of the Degree in Automotive Engineering, was the winner.

The Design Thinking 2022 (DT-22) awards have already been handed out (open in new window) and the winning proposal has been presented by the team of Iván Esteban Macho, Ferran Gili i Cabanes, Andrés Aranda Martínez and Joan Gomà Rebasa, all of them students of the degree in Automotive Engineering at the UPC Manresa. The winners will receive a prize of 1,500 euros. Congratulations on your excellent work and well-deserved award.

Design Thinking is a challenge launched every year by SEAT, which this year consisted of gamifying the driving experience of the CUPRA brand. The CUPRA range of vehicles is characterized by having distinctive features based on a sporty configuration and high performance. The aim of this year's challenge was to develop an idea that would revolutionize the driving experience of these types of vehicles, that would build user loyalty and identify them with the brand.

The idea presented by the winning team was based on a gamified infotainment proposal, incorporating the experience of user profiles and avatars, to help understand the functionality of the vehicle. The awards ceremony was held on May 30 at the Casa SEAT in Barcelona in a crowded event attended by the other participating teams and leaders of the company, as well as members of the SEAT-UPC Chair ( open in a new window).

The group of students was supported at the event by Assistant professor tenure track Pau Català from the Department of Mechanical Engineering.