Visit to "Bienal de Máquina-herramienta" of Bilbao 2024 - TECNOFAB and CDEI-DM

Jul 31, 2024

On June 4th, 5th and 6th, 2024, professors Irene Buj, Ramón Casado, José Antonio Travieso and Éric Velázquez, from the TECNOFAB research group, as well as professor Enrique Zayas from the CDEI-DM group, attended the 32nd edition of the Bienal de Máquina-herramienta exhibition in Bilbao, organized by the BEC (Bilbao Exhibition Centre), AIMHE (Asociación de Importadores de Máquina Herramienta) and AFM (Cluster for Advanced & Digital Manufacturing). It is one of the most important exhibitions in Europe,  in the field of manufacturing processes, in which machining, additive manufacturing and metal sheet cutting and forming stand out.